Thursday, February 26, 2009

Nolan's 2 Month Check-up

Nolan is trying his best to catch up to Rylee is size, he is a big boy. At his appointment today he weighed 12 pounds 8 ounces (68th percentile) and was 23 inches (50th percentile). For those who are wondering at 2 months Rylee weighed 10 pounds 3 ounces and was 22 1/2 inches. The check up went great. Nolan has fully recovered from his RSV and ear infections. He is meeting his milestones. He is still struggling with head control, but Doctor Mumford said it is not to worry because it is a big head to hold! He gave the doctor a few smiles, but those quickly disappeared when the nurse came in to do his vaccinations. He got five vaccines today, 3 shots and 1 oral vaccine. I was surprised, he only cried about 20 seconds and then he was over it - tough little boy! Rylee loves to go to the doctor's office, so she always comes to his appointments. Today she found a book about wolves and read it most of the time.