Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Why Do I Buy New Clothes For This Girl

Last night Matt brought home a box of clothes from work. A co-worker of his saw a picture of Nolan and said, "Hey I have a box of newborn clothes from our son, I will bring them in!" So thoughtful! We went through the box and it is full of great newborn clothes for Nolan and clothes we can share with others too. Well this morning Rylee was extremely excited to see the box and she started pulling out the clothes. I was making dinner and the next thing I new she had taken her outfit for the day off and replaced it with the one in the picture. The shorts are a NEWBORN size, yes newborn. Nolan has outgrown newborn clothes! The shirt in a 0-3 onesie that she got one of the snaps done up on even. Yes it is pulled very tight, but still what two and a half year old can snap 0-3 onesies! Then I started thinking, why have I even bought her new clothes, I bet I could pull out her 6-12 month winter clothes and they would fit for this winter. She is so cute and petite!


gmakatz said...

What a little pixie-nut.