Thursday, November 13, 2008

Gymnastics Class

Today was Rylee's first day at gymnastics. We thought it would be a fun thing for her to do during the winter months, and she had a great time. At first her teacher, Megan, didn't know if Rylee was having fun, because she had the most serious/determined look on her face the entire time, but when we asked her if she was having fun, she lit up and shouted "YEAH!" The class is 45 minutes long and meets once a week. They start off in their little room and do balance beams, hand stands, somersaults, jumps,etc., then they go into the big gym to play in the foam pit (Rye's favorite), and they finish up back in their room. Rylee was a little hesitant with each activity the first time, but then we couldn't get her to stop. After class she kept tell me, "more, nastics mommy." Hopefully her excitement for it continues as she gets better at each skill.